Saturday 25 July 2015

Catch up!

As always, it's been ages since my last blog post. So much has happened since. 

I'm not in practice anymore. 
J is self-employed.
I'm still employed though. 😢

Adore my little munchkins a little more everyday if that's even possible since I'm pretty sure I'm in psychomom territory already. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

5 months old today!

If only time would slow down for mama, mei mei.

Wednesday 8 October 2014


Blake Lively is so gorgeous and glowing in her pregnancy announcement photo!

One of the nicest people I know, Rachel is also expecting her first baby. Her announcement was awesome too.

Fourfeetnine, a blogger I stalk love is also preggers.


I miss being pregnant.

Just have to remind myself of the rising cost of education to remember 2 will do. Le sigh.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Someecards makes me happy.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

It happened way too quickly.


Thursday 24 July 2014

Good and not-so-good reads.

I'm now reading The Fault in Our Stars and OMG, please just shoot me in the head.

Since when do teenagers talk that way?

Do we want to live in a world where teenagers talk that way?

Vee in OITNB (Season 2) asks why is "some sick f***" writing about kids with cancer? MY question is why is he writing about teenagers who talk this way?

The word "unextraordinary" should never ever be printed. The word is "ordinary". A tree did not die for that word to be printed on it.

Prior to this nonsense, I'd actually had a good streak with 2 excellent books.

Gone Girl - I could not put this book down.

The Help - I made the mistake of watching the movie before reading the book and thought that the book must be quite average. I was wrong wrong wrong. A much better read since it is told from the point of view of characters (seems to be the in thing for fiction these days) and although casting Viola Davis, Emma Stone and Octavia Spencer was spot on and they were pretty much flawless, I just need to know what's going on in the characters' minds. It's sick, but I have always been a want-to know-what everyone-is-thinking-silence-is-therefore-evil type person. When I watched the movie again after finishing the book, I enjoyed the movie a whole lot more.

PS I realise all 3 books have been made into movies. As with my music choices, I refuse to be more "hipster" about my books. Mainstream all the way!

J and I also just finished a 3 day OITNB (Season 2) marathon and there's a fantastic tumblr about the books referenced on the show. All 3 books are in there. It'd be awesome if someone actually read all of them, no?

Wednesday 23 July 2014

My 7 New Mommy Must Haves

In no particular order...

1. Nursing Cover

My sister bought a lovely Bébé au Lait nursing cover and told me how indispensable it was to her and it is soooooo true for me too.

I got a free pattern online, bought some fabric on Etsy and my mom made me one.

I love this thing, it is like my security blanket when I go out with my babies. I am just not "open" enough to breastfeed openly and this allows me to feed whenever and wherever I have to. Both Felix and Alexis loved the fabric's pattern as well and stare at it adorably when they feed. It is also an impromptu blanket for the stroller when we go out and I have forgotten to bring a blanket for the umpteenth time.

2. Microwave Sterilizer

Tommee Tippee Microwave Sterilizer
I had a Tommee Tippee Electric Sterilizer and it wasn't very long before it stopped working (Just a year or so). I think there was something wrong with the cord connection or something. The heating plate just stopped heating the water up. I also got so pissed off each time I switched the thing on and returned later to find the dreaded "E" error symbol which meant I had wasted time thinking everything was getting sterilized and really it was just sitting there doing nothing.

I bought a Tommee Tippee Microwave Sterilizer this time around and I love not having to worry about the electrical parts failing on me. Just load it, add water, pop it in the microwave, zap it, let it cool down and you're done!

3. A seriously awesome Stroller

I wanted to be prudent and thought I shouldn't splurge too much on a stroller so I got a sensibly priced one. Now I can't help but have stroller envy when I walk through malls. So avoid stroller envy and just get an awesome one, like this one.
Quinny Zapp Xtra 2.0

[What kills me now, is that I've also found an online deal which means it costs only a few hundred more than what I paid for my "sensible" one.]

4. An also seriously awesome Breastpump

Medela Freestyle Breastpump
I've blogged before about how my Medela Swing Breastpump was great but now I have the Medela Freestyle Breastpump and it is soooooooo good!

As it is a double breastpump, it takes less time to pump and I can pump so much more too. I didn't realize I needed it, but now that I have it, I can't believe I lived without the display in the past. It has a timer, shows how much battery power is left (no more lugging a charger around just in case), shows the intensity level and once you know what level suits you, you can save it as a program.

5. A Diaper Bag that looks good on your husband!

Chances are he'll be carrying it anyway so make sure its one that looks good on him!

I got one like this for J
6. A Diaper Changing Table

About a week after Felix was born, a friend called and said they wanted to get us something, anything that we'd like. J and I were unanimous, please get us a diaper changing table. We hadn't really thought it was necessary. We had a changing pad and thought we'd just use our bed, but after changing our bedsheets multiple times because of the many accidents one has with a baby boy and the backache from bending down to change his diaper, our diaper changing table was a lifesaver! No regrets at all.

7. iBaby Feed Timer App

They'll say it's not necessary to obsess too much when you're breastfeeeding, that you're producing just the right amount for your baby, but the fact is that you will always worry [it's called being a parent] and it is impossible to remember which side you last fed on because there'll be so so so many things on your mind.

This app is brilliant. Its so easy to use, just tap on the side you're feeding on when you start and stop and it'll keep track of the length of your feed. It also reminds you that you should be feeding soon and keeps nifty statistics. A really great app for new moms. Its free too!