Judge: "Have you heard of the artist Botticelli?"
Model: "Mmmhmm..."
Judge: "Beautiful feminine soft women...?"
Model: "Mmmhmm..."
Judge: "Cause you're more "Jelly-Botty"

Oh No!!! AHahahahah I had to add this on!
2 models enter the room.
One's caucasion. The other Indian Mixed.
Judges ask them to list 5 reasons why they are better than each other.
The Caucasion one answers :"I'm taller.. I'm WHITER!"
Wth? Way to offend every audience member in the very first episode!
Oh God!!! I have to add this one too!
Models told to play different types of spies. So one's assigned to be "astronaut-spy"
No money won for the person who guesses why she gets termed "ASStronaut"
Gosh.. they are not easy on us chubby ones on AUSNTM