I've never been much of a musical person, in the sense that when I sing, I tend to ruin perfectly good songs. Apart from
very warbly "MooooOOooOOoon RiiiivvVeeeerrr" that I'm forced to sing occasionally by my best friend whenever I do him wrong (Thanks N). I thus try to refrain from letting my squeaky voice and tone deafness loose on innocent people.
I do however love songs, random genres, oldies, pop, anything. In one word eclectic. I can even say, though I tried not to, I like R&B/Hip hop (Thank, S).
So one of my fav replays at the moment, is "Hate that I love you" by Rihanna & Ne-Yo.
The lyrics are pretty sweet, and I've kinda gotten sucked into Rihanna's very nasally voice.
Anyway, this morning, I woke up extremely grouchy in J's room. His evil aircond is too cold. His evil fan, too noisy. It was freeze or fry last night.
So we got to talking about how we were so different, inter alia
Vampire/Morning Person
Bookworm/Book dust allergy
Loves it hot/Loves it cold
In the car on my way home this morning though, I got a very comforting reminder that we have lots of other stuff in common.
The main shared trait being - Musically Challenged
J however has me beat on this count, by taking it to the next level.
I can't remember lyrics easily but my dear J confessed this morning in the car that when Rihanna said "
Just ain't right" during "Hate that I love you", he (despite his very cute, very generously proportioned set of ears) heard "
Justice Rider"!!!
WTF?! Hahaha... Wahliao... a super romantic song to me, was all this while to J some strange mysterious song that would have gone well as the theme song of a possible corny 1980s cartoon type superhero!