Haha.. ANYone who really knows me, knows I'm a nut downloader of TV shows.
Today, I went to Pavillion (which is gorgeous btw, but kinda too big for me. :S)and spent 10 minutes molesting one of those babies up there! Just imagining watching my shows on the ab fab screen!
Totally hogging it from other customers, but whatever.
Jason will just have to get used to threesomes! Cause I LOVE IT!
Hoping to get one in HK, if I can save enough by then :S
According to an article by Reuters, the ipod's cheapest in HK.
Look at what a study by the Australia's Commonwealth Bank found
"This is the CommSec iPod Index from highest to lowest, based on October 2007 prices in U.S. dollars:
Brazil $369.61; [Poor guys...]
Bulgaria $318.60;
Argentina $317.45;
Israel $300.80;
Peru $294.08;
Chile $294.06;
Malta $293.83;
Egypt $269.10;
Romania $266.60;
Uruguay $260.00;
Turkey $256.12;
Hungary $254.50;
Azerbaijan $252.11; [My geography sucks. First time I've heard of this place.]
Serbia $249.14;
Croatia $245.41;
Czech $242.54;
Slovakia $234.13;
Estonia $226.67;
South Africa $226.60;
Finland $225.82;
France $225.82;
Russia $220.32;
Norway $220.20;
Sweden $215.35;
Belgium $211.62;
Austria $211.62;
Italy $211.62;
Portugal $211.62;
Ireland $211.62;
Germany $211.62;
Netherlands $211.62;
Denmark $209.26;
U.K. $201.92;
Mexico $201.87;
Cyprus $201.85;
Luxembourg $201.12;
Poland $200.52;
Philippines $198.39;
Spain $197.42;
Greece $196.51;
Switzerland $195.43;
India $183.47;
Malaysia $181.82; [We're not doing that bad... :)]
Korea $180.60;
New Zealand $180.58;
China $179.63;
Pakistan $179.48;
Australia $175.42;
Thailand $174.89;
Canada $169.68;
Singapore $167.31; [But they have to outdo us lah... :P]
Taiwan $165.82;
Japan $154.21;
U.S. $149.00;
Hong Kong $148.12 " [Here I come bab-eh.]
I'll just have to forsake all the other touristy stuff I might have bought.
I had one! And then it died :(
If you got one, or have gotten one, beware - they don't like water or heck, even humidity, much. Make sure you keep any form of moisture well away from the headphone jack...
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