None are forthcoming. Hahaha.. Yes, I may not have many readers, but the very few complain about the fact that I haven't updated my blog.
Well, I guess its cause I don't want to make this one of those emo-blogs [I think I mentioned this before].
Anyway critical updates:
Jason passed his CLP! - The happiest moment of 2007 for sure.
We went to HK with my family and now we're back. [Duh!]
I've been chambering in Skrine for 2 months plus... bout to get to my shortcall.
V. excited.
I watched Atonement last night. Completely brilliant film. Perfect casting! This is coming from someone who hates Keira Knightley!
Am on forced rehab from all the TV series I love. Damn WGA strike. Settle already!
So now spending my time watching lots of Desperate Housewives season 4 but much much more time is wasted staring at gorgeous Heidi on Project Runway. Sometimes you're in and sometimes you're out. In her words... Auf!
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Friday, 16 November 2007
It's really upsetting to know that something you always wanted is capable of destroying what you really wanted most of all.
Or maybe its just the result of me never knowing what I really wanted.
Even as I type, I keep switching.
I've really got to get used to the fact that I'm already walking down a path.
It just feels like a path into darkness.
4000 or 40000, they didn't even try to make it less obvious that they were suppressing actual numbers.
Or maybe its just the result of me never knowing what I really wanted.
Even as I type, I keep switching.
I've really got to get used to the fact that I'm already walking down a path.
It just feels like a path into darkness.
4000 or 40000, they didn't even try to make it less obvious that they were suppressing actual numbers.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Ta-daaa.. an entry at last.
I have to blog because a little bird has been twittering in my ear, saying that my blog oughta be updated more often.
Anyway I went to IKEA today, and had meatballs (always good), salmon (always delicious)and a new chicken thingy (horrid).
I bought a new lamp (or rather I bought a lamp for the 3rd time, left the first 2 to my sis when I left UK). Didn't check it properly, it had a hole at the bottom of the lamp! Suffice to say, J refuses to go back and swap it for a new one.
Anyway whilst in IKEA I had an "I'm old" moment, a little tiny fart bout 2 years old, toddled up to me, pointed at me and told his parents 'AUNTIE Coming!' [I assume he meant AUNTIE in the way] and his dad replied 'Jie jie la'
Sigh... {{{{{{ >.< }}}}}
J quickly "reassured" me that Toddlers don't lie.
Anyway I went to IKEA today, and had meatballs (always good), salmon (always delicious)and a new chicken thingy (horrid).
I bought a new lamp (or rather I bought a lamp for the 3rd time, left the first 2 to my sis when I left UK). Didn't check it properly, it had a hole at the bottom of the lamp! Suffice to say, J refuses to go back and swap it for a new one.
Anyway whilst in IKEA I had an "I'm old" moment, a little tiny fart bout 2 years old, toddled up to me, pointed at me and told his parents 'AUNTIE Coming!' [I assume he meant AUNTIE in the way] and his dad replied 'Jie jie la'
Sigh... {{{{{{ >.< }}}}}
J quickly "reassured" me that Toddlers don't lie.

Sunday, 4 November 2007
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Chick Flick alert!!!

Girls, get ready for a delicious chick flick at last.
There was a pretty bad drought lately... crappy movies.
but... the trailer for 27 Dresses is so promising! Plus I love Katherine Heigl. :D
Sunday, 28 October 2007

This is so the way Nick and I fight!
Amanda: [Hyperventilating]
Betty... internet dating... must mock!
Ooh! Bookmark it. I gotta stick around here, i'm trying to work up the nerve to ask out hot pants over there..
Ooh! you're asking him out, maybe I'll stay here and mock you.
What you think he's out of my league?
He's a 9. I'm an 8
He's a 10. You're a 6.
You're a bitch. I'm a 7.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
I want one!!!

Haha.. ANYone who really knows me, knows I'm a nut downloader of TV shows.
Today, I went to Pavillion (which is gorgeous btw, but kinda too big for me. :S)and spent 10 minutes molesting one of those babies up there! Just imagining watching my shows on the ab fab screen!
Totally hogging it from other customers, but whatever.
Jason will just have to get used to threesomes! Cause I LOVE IT!
Hoping to get one in HK, if I can save enough by then :S
According to an article by Reuters, the ipod's cheapest in HK.
Look at what a study by the Australia's Commonwealth Bank found
"This is the CommSec iPod Index from highest to lowest, based on October 2007 prices in U.S. dollars:
Brazil $369.61; [Poor guys...]
Bulgaria $318.60;
Argentina $317.45;
Israel $300.80;
Peru $294.08;
Chile $294.06;
Malta $293.83;
Egypt $269.10;
Romania $266.60;
Uruguay $260.00;
Turkey $256.12;
Hungary $254.50;
Azerbaijan $252.11; [My geography sucks. First time I've heard of this place.]
Serbia $249.14;
Croatia $245.41;
Czech $242.54;
Slovakia $234.13;
Estonia $226.67;
South Africa $226.60;
Finland $225.82;
France $225.82;
Russia $220.32;
Norway $220.20;
Sweden $215.35;
Belgium $211.62;
Austria $211.62;
Italy $211.62;
Portugal $211.62;
Ireland $211.62;
Germany $211.62;
Netherlands $211.62;
Denmark $209.26;
U.K. $201.92;
Mexico $201.87;
Cyprus $201.85;
Luxembourg $201.12;
Poland $200.52;
Philippines $198.39;
Spain $197.42;
Greece $196.51;
Switzerland $195.43;
India $183.47;
Malaysia $181.82; [We're not doing that bad... :)]
Korea $180.60;
New Zealand $180.58;
China $179.63;
Pakistan $179.48;
Australia $175.42;
Thailand $174.89;
Canada $169.68;
Singapore $167.31; [But they have to outdo us lah... :P]
Taiwan $165.82;
Japan $154.21;
U.S. $149.00;
Hong Kong $148.12 " [Here I come bab-eh.]
I'll just have to forsake all the other touristy stuff I might have bought.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Minyak Gamat Asli to the Rescue!!!
Hahaha.. I was rescued from chopping my fingers off thanks to the humble seacucumber
What was just yummy food...

... should actually don a cape and fly around proudly. :D

Haha.. just a couple of applications and my fingers were good as new!
Good with burns too.. hmm.. I'm like giving a free ad, but whatever. I love it.
Of course, learning about the methods of extracting the oil from said sea cucumbers came with disturbing sick demonstrations from a suddenly very descriptive boyfriend.
What was just yummy food...

... should actually don a cape and fly around proudly. :D
Haha.. just a couple of applications and my fingers were good as new!
Good with burns too.. hmm.. I'm like giving a free ad, but whatever. I love it.
Of course, learning about the methods of extracting the oil from said sea cucumbers came with disturbing sick demonstrations from a suddenly very descriptive boyfriend.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
I tend to berate blogs in which people talk about themselves in an abstract manner.
I'm a dry brown leaf blowing in the wind, etc, etc.
But today I feel like this dude.
I'm a dry brown leaf blowing in the wind, etc, etc.
But today I feel like this dude.

Sunday, 14 October 2007
h-u-m-o-r-o-u-s, humorous, the flossy flossy...
[Ok, first what is flossy flossy?]
Great line from Ugly Betty's Amanda today.
Daniel: Why don't we ...
Amanda: Daniel... No. I still have some unresolved issues with you, so just squeeze a boob because I have to go.
[Love Becki Newton, she's so pretty.]
Great line from Ugly Betty's Amanda today.
Daniel: Why don't we ...
Amanda: Daniel... No. I still have some unresolved issues with you, so just squeeze a boob because I have to go.
[Love Becki Newton, she's so pretty.]

Saturday, 13 October 2007
Confessions of the Musically Challenged
I've never been much of a musical person, in the sense that when I sing, I tend to ruin perfectly good songs. Apart from very warbly "MooooOOooOOoon RiiiivvVeeeerrr" that I'm forced to sing occasionally by my best friend whenever I do him wrong (Thanks N). I thus try to refrain from letting my squeaky voice and tone deafness loose on innocent people.
I do however love songs, random genres, oldies, pop, anything. In one word eclectic. I can even say, though I tried not to, I like R&B/Hip hop (Thank, S).
So one of my fav replays at the moment, is "Hate that I love you" by Rihanna & Ne-Yo.
The lyrics are pretty sweet, and I've kinda gotten sucked into Rihanna's very nasally voice.
Anyway, this morning, I woke up extremely grouchy in J's room. His evil aircond is too cold. His evil fan, too noisy. It was freeze or fry last night.
So we got to talking about how we were so different, inter alia
In the car on my way home this morning though, I got a very comforting reminder that we have lots of other stuff in common.
The main shared trait being - Musically Challenged
J however has me beat on this count, by taking it to the next level.
I can't remember lyrics easily but my dear J confessed this morning in the car that when Rihanna said "Just ain't right" during "Hate that I love you", he (despite his very cute, very generously proportioned set of ears) heard "Justice Rider"!!!
WTF?! Hahaha... Wahliao... a super romantic song to me, was all this while to J some strange mysterious song that would have gone well as the theme song of a possible corny 1980s cartoon type superhero!
I do however love songs, random genres, oldies, pop, anything. In one word eclectic. I can even say, though I tried not to, I like R&B/Hip hop (Thank, S).
So one of my fav replays at the moment, is "Hate that I love you" by Rihanna & Ne-Yo.
The lyrics are pretty sweet, and I've kinda gotten sucked into Rihanna's very nasally voice.
Anyway, this morning, I woke up extremely grouchy in J's room. His evil aircond is too cold. His evil fan, too noisy. It was freeze or fry last night.
So we got to talking about how we were so different, inter alia
Vampire/Morning Person
Bookworm/Book dust allergy
Loves it hot/Loves it cold
In the car on my way home this morning though, I got a very comforting reminder that we have lots of other stuff in common.
The main shared trait being - Musically Challenged
J however has me beat on this count, by taking it to the next level.
I can't remember lyrics easily but my dear J confessed this morning in the car that when Rihanna said "Just ain't right" during "Hate that I love you", he (despite his very cute, very generously proportioned set of ears) heard "Justice Rider"!!!
WTF?! Hahaha... Wahliao... a super romantic song to me, was all this while to J some strange mysterious song that would have gone well as the theme song of a possible corny 1980s cartoon type superhero!
Friday, 12 October 2007
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Design Junkie Overdoses

I've been surfing design blogs! I heart them all!!! Major drool fest.
Look at some of the yummy pics I found

I want to live in those pictures!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
My Blood Splattered Blood Soaked TV screen
Ahh.. I've discovered the wonders of the show Dexter.
Yes I know I'm slow since everybody's been watching it since last year.
I managed to make it up in one day though. Hahaha.. that's what happens when you have no responsibilities.
So although Dexter once meant, this cute little fella

He's now this [strangely attractive to me]fella

The show does fulfil my fantasy of sudden organized vigilantism in Malaysian society that would actually wipe out all the snatch thefts, raping, car hijacking... and corrupt judiciary members, MPs, government officials... (Hmm.. this list is way longer than I thought it'd be)
Yes I know I'm slow since everybody's been watching it since last year.
I managed to make it up in one day though. Hahaha.. that's what happens when you have no responsibilities.
So although Dexter once meant, this cute little fella

He's now this [strangely attractive to me]fella

The show does fulfil my fantasy of sudden organized vigilantism in Malaysian society that would actually wipe out all the snatch thefts, raping, car hijacking... and corrupt judiciary members, MPs, government officials... (Hmm.. this list is way longer than I thought it'd be)
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Pushing Daisies Pushes My Buttons
The right ones that is. :)
I just love this show. It's incredibly beautifully shot and I just think the dialogue is razor sharp witty [very Gilmore Girls-esque].
Watch it people! Don't let the network execs take it away.
I love the idea of bringing murder victims back to life, asking them how they were killed and then claiming the rewards.
Its also all so corny, from the idea of not being able to ever touch the person you love, to a pie shop called 'The Pie Hole'.
I just love this show. It's incredibly beautifully shot and I just think the dialogue is razor sharp witty [very Gilmore Girls-esque].
Watch it people! Don't let the network execs take it away.
I love the idea of bringing murder victims back to life, asking them how they were killed and then claiming the rewards.
Its also all so corny, from the idea of not being able to ever touch the person you love, to a pie shop called 'The Pie Hole'.

Friday, 5 October 2007
Baby steps...
I'm starting chambering soon on the 17th. I can't believe it!
Its been really fun shopping for office clothes. Dressing up to take my first steps into the "real world".
Its been really fun shopping for office clothes. Dressing up to take my first steps into the "real world".

Hahaha.. once again, I've read a disturbing article.
According to Fox News, tiny bumps on the fossilized arm bone of a Velociraptor specimen has confirmed the belief of scientists that the carnivorous dinosaur had feathers.
Alamak.. how can it be?
Jurassic Park is my "Dinosaur Wikipedia" and it shall always be so, I have thus decided to remain a blind follower of Steven Spielberg's imagination. :P
I mean look at this guy, so much more 'Canggih'!

Tuesday, 11 September 2007
I'm in shock. I was just randomly searching funny groups to join and am now feeling rather disturbed.
First - Pluto is not a planet?!
Where have I been? Hahaha... I checked Wikipedia (my online bible) and its true. Its a dwarf planet. Hahaha.. I feel a kindred bond towards it now. Hahaha..
Second - Britney's 2007 performance.
Really really tragic. Watched it on Youtube and am still feeling bad for her, and all of us for having the silly notion of being curious enough to watch her.
Again feeling a kindred bond towards her. If I don't diet harder and exercise more, that's me in a couple of months! Gasp!
I'm in shock. I was just randomly searching funny groups to join and am now feeling rather disturbed.
First - Pluto is not a planet?!
Where have I been? Hahaha... I checked Wikipedia (my online bible) and its true. Its a dwarf planet. Hahaha.. I feel a kindred bond towards it now. Hahaha..
Second - Britney's 2007 performance.
Really really tragic. Watched it on Youtube and am still feeling bad for her, and all of us for having the silly notion of being curious enough to watch her.
Again feeling a kindred bond towards her. If I don't diet harder and exercise more, that's me in a couple of months! Gasp!
Friday, 7 September 2007
Wobbly Tummy
Muahaha... Just had a killer Food Fest week.
Went to Penang and stuffed myself silly with muachee, rojak, asam laksa etc etc...
The only con was eating overpriced seafood! The har gou a.k.a. mantis prawns were still in their shells!!!
Anyway, it was really good fun.
Left a red towel behind, but I'm now claiming Jason's identical black one, so all's well. :D A bonus for being a spoilt bully.
Today is also Jason's B'day, so yesterday we had japanese, then steak, then today pasta! So that totally explains the wobbly tummies.
I bought him a coffee brewer and he's in love. Hahaha.. The way he looks at the machine is basically the way he looked at me when we first got together. [Awww... ]
Now.. its time for some b'day cake. :D
Went to Penang and stuffed myself silly with muachee, rojak, asam laksa etc etc...
The only con was eating overpriced seafood! The har gou a.k.a. mantis prawns were still in their shells!!!
Anyway, it was really good fun.
Left a red towel behind, but I'm now claiming Jason's identical black one, so all's well. :D A bonus for being a spoilt bully.
Today is also Jason's B'day, so yesterday we had japanese, then steak, then today pasta! So that totally explains the wobbly tummies.
I bought him a coffee brewer and he's in love. Hahaha.. The way he looks at the machine is basically the way he looked at me when we first got together. [Awww... ]
Now.. its time for some b'day cake. :D
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
A Shameless Couch Potatoes' Rantings
Nyahahaha.. I'm sooooo looking forward to the new Fall Season TV to begin in America. I've been dying without my weekly dose of Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives and ANTM.
Honestly if it wasn't for downloading, I would have died of boredom in Bristol when it came to TV shows. Honestly, Lad to Ladette? So not ANTM. Big Brother? So not Amazing Race/Survivor.
Even BNTM which is just the Brit version of ANTM is really not up to par. I mean the models use words like 'horriblest', for goodness' sake!
Of course, this is the first time there's no Gilmore Girls. Boo... though I totally get why not. The storylines were being stretched a bit too far. The whole Luke/Lorelai thing was really over done and I hated Luke's daughter April. The actress just got on my nerves.
However, she will be in a new show call Miss Guided as a minor character and despite that I'm seriously looking forward to the show. The trailer is really really funny.
Next on my must-watch-waiting-list is Pushing Daisies which looks really funny as well. Its a dark comedy about a guy who can bring people back to life with a single touch, but his second touch will end their lives for good.
There's another show called Cashmere Mafia that's supposed to be a Sex and The City replacement. There are some fab faces on it like Lucy Liu and Miranda Otto but the trailer was only so-so.
In conclusion... can't wait for Fall!
Honestly if it wasn't for downloading, I would have died of boredom in Bristol when it came to TV shows. Honestly, Lad to Ladette? So not ANTM. Big Brother? So not Amazing Race/Survivor.
Even BNTM which is just the Brit version of ANTM is really not up to par. I mean the models use words like 'horriblest', for goodness' sake!
Of course, this is the first time there's no Gilmore Girls. Boo... though I totally get why not. The storylines were being stretched a bit too far. The whole Luke/Lorelai thing was really over done and I hated Luke's daughter April. The actress just got on my nerves.
However, she will be in a new show call Miss Guided as a minor character and despite that I'm seriously looking forward to the show. The trailer is really really funny.
Next on my must-watch-waiting-list is Pushing Daisies which looks really funny as well. Its a dark comedy about a guy who can bring people back to life with a single touch, but his second touch will end their lives for good.
There's another show called Cashmere Mafia that's supposed to be a Sex and The City replacement. There are some fab faces on it like Lucy Liu and Miranda Otto but the trailer was only so-so.
In conclusion... can't wait for Fall!
TV Nerd
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Hmm... So I went to see Tunku the musical with J last night. Not so much about Tunku as about the years when Tunku was our PM and a love story set in that period ala Titanic-Kate/Leo.
Must say I enjoyed myself. KLPAC was gorgeous. Really wanna catch a few more performances if I can. I always find it hard to criticise live performances since I feel they put in so much effort to do it and have the guts to sing etc.
There was a dance rape scene that kinda shocked me. Well there were some pretty unorthodox positions. Hahaha... I'm old fashioned I guess. Anyway don't see why Gwen Stefani had probs from some group of Islamic Students for some costumes she may or may not wear, when they can show stuff like this.
Which reminds me, I must go find that video on youtube that's causing a mini-hoohar over here. Some Negaraku..kuku.. thingy majig.
So I won't get in trouble for my blog title - I must clarify, I don't think Tunku was kuku. :D
Must say I enjoyed myself. KLPAC was gorgeous. Really wanna catch a few more performances if I can. I always find it hard to criticise live performances since I feel they put in so much effort to do it and have the guts to sing etc.
There was a dance rape scene that kinda shocked me. Well there were some pretty unorthodox positions. Hahaha... I'm old fashioned I guess. Anyway don't see why Gwen Stefani had probs from some group of Islamic Students for some costumes she may or may not wear, when they can show stuff like this.
Which reminds me, I must go find that video on youtube that's causing a mini-hoohar over here. Some Negaraku..kuku.. thingy majig.
So I won't get in trouble for my blog title - I must clarify, I don't think Tunku was kuku. :D
Friday, 10 August 2007
Harry Pottering
Hahaha.. I'm reading Harry Potter 1 to 7 all over again. After reading and thoroughly enjoying book 7, I just had to go back and spot clues in the first 6 books.
Anyone who stumbles on my blog need not worry about any spoilers though.
I'm a devout believer in not spoiling books/movies by giving away the plot.
This is due to an incident in Form 4 when my friend asked me if I had watched Sixth Sense and upon me saying no, promptly told me that you'll never believe Bruce Willis was a *****!
Anyway, really love JK Rowling. I know I should be reading books not aimed at pre-teens but seriously facing a book drought at the moment.
No library here to borrow silly books from, and I'm not a fan of buying crappy books for RM30.
Anyone who stumbles on my blog need not worry about any spoilers though.
I'm a devout believer in not spoiling books/movies by giving away the plot.
This is due to an incident in Form 4 when my friend asked me if I had watched Sixth Sense and upon me saying no, promptly told me that you'll never believe Bruce Willis was a *****!
Anyway, really love JK Rowling. I know I should be reading books not aimed at pre-teens but seriously facing a book drought at the moment.
No library here to borrow silly books from, and I'm not a fan of buying crappy books for RM30.
Book Nerd,
Movie Nerd
Friday, 3 August 2007
Paintin' the Town Red
Ok. Not the town but J's room. Not red but cream. But what the heck.
About 'painting the town red'... too much of a nerd to do so la. Clubbing is nice and all but I hate that after effect smell my hair can't get rid off for at least 36 hours and dressing up is really hard since I've put on 4 kgs in UK. :(
Really loving making over J's room. The secret interior design fetish I have is unleashed! Hahaha.. been rearranging everything and thinking of ways to spruce things up even more.
Anyway really fun running through all of J's stuff. The poor thing. Ended up teasing him and stuff but mostly just discovered more things to love him for.
PS: Don't worry dear I promise to make your room RARGET.
About 'painting the town red'... too much of a nerd to do so la. Clubbing is nice and all but I hate that after effect smell my hair can't get rid off for at least 36 hours and dressing up is really hard since I've put on 4 kgs in UK. :(
Really loving making over J's room. The secret interior design fetish I have is unleashed! Hahaha.. been rearranging everything and thinking of ways to spruce things up even more.
Anyway really fun running through all of J's stuff. The poor thing. Ended up teasing him and stuff but mostly just discovered more things to love him for.
PS: Don't worry dear I promise to make your room RARGET.
Design Nerd,
Loved Up
Thursday, 2 August 2007
When Harry Met Sally
What happened to movies like these? I really want to watch a really good romcom again, with great dialogue.
I really don't think The Breakup qualifies. I just watched it the other day and it was so depressing. Reminded me of the mistakes I made repeatedly for almost 3 years. I actually teared up.
Ah well, really love When Harry Met Sally. What happened to Meg Ryan? Wish she didn't mind being typecasted cause she fits those roles so well, neurotic adorable American Sweetheart.
Tried to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves today, still think its boring and slightly creepy. Haha, I'm a scaredee cat.
I really don't think The Breakup qualifies. I just watched it the other day and it was so depressing. Reminded me of the mistakes I made repeatedly for almost 3 years. I actually teared up.
Ah well, really love When Harry Met Sally. What happened to Meg Ryan? Wish she didn't mind being typecasted cause she fits those roles so well, neurotic adorable American Sweetheart.
Tried to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves today, still think its boring and slightly creepy. Haha, I'm a scaredee cat.
Movie Nerd
Muahaha.. I'm back
Hahaha... So its been a pretty long hiatus, but I think this is a good time to get back to blogging. This is because my CLP exams are over.
*Phew*Obviously my results are still looming ahead in September, but then so is the rest of my life, no?
Anyway, I kinda decided to get back to blogging cause I've been reading someone's blog. Someone I'm ashamed of stalking, but the tiny (Ok, not so tiny) unforgiving, competitive, mean part of me, makes me do it roughly once a year. This year however I found her wretched blog and now I read it when my common sense leaves me.
Anyhoo, regarding that someone's blog... I think she is still a $%!&@.
I really think that somehow somewhere up her butt is a decomposing pineapple.Ahhhh... finally got that out of me. Nyahaha... I know I should be more forgiving, I might even be the one who has to be forgiven. WHATEVER.
This is my blog and I choose to be unreasonable, childish and mean. Nobody knows who I am anyway, unless there's been severe breach of my privacy by my internet provider, the government and interpol? Hahaha.. I seriously doubt that.
I'm watching Gilmore Girls at the moment, like any true fan, I shall repeat the motto 'I want to live in Stars Hollow'. I want my extremely darling boyfriend (who beats Jesse and Dean anytime and reads this blog ;P or so he claims) to bid for a basket I make, participate in themed dance marathons and live in a lovely house painted a nice shade of yellow inside.
*Phew*Obviously my results are still looming ahead in September, but then so is the rest of my life, no?
Anyway, I kinda decided to get back to blogging cause I've been reading someone's blog. Someone I'm ashamed of stalking, but the tiny (Ok, not so tiny) unforgiving, competitive, mean part of me, makes me do it roughly once a year. This year however I found her wretched blog and now I read it when my common sense leaves me.
Anyhoo, regarding that someone's blog... I think she is still a $%!&@.
I really think that somehow somewhere up her butt is a decomposing pineapple.Ahhhh... finally got that out of me. Nyahaha... I know I should be more forgiving, I might even be the one who has to be forgiven. WHATEVER.
This is my blog and I choose to be unreasonable, childish and mean. Nobody knows who I am anyway, unless there's been severe breach of my privacy by my internet provider, the government and interpol? Hahaha.. I seriously doubt that.
I'm watching Gilmore Girls at the moment, like any true fan, I shall repeat the motto 'I want to live in Stars Hollow'. I want my extremely darling boyfriend (who beats Jesse and Dean anytime and reads this blog ;P or so he claims) to bid for a basket I make, participate in themed dance marathons and live in a lovely house painted a nice shade of yellow inside.
Thursday, 29 March 2007
So I'm inconsistent.. Shoot me
I had a great shopping trip today, got a lovely tube dress reminiscent of my 1st year law ball dress for only a 3rd of the price of the dress I had made.
Only one thing though.... I kinda ripped it a tinee bit.. :S Gotta get my mom to sew it back for sure before i go out.
Planning to curl my hair and put it half up..
Kakaka.. I also got a lovely necklace from J. [Can I love him anymore?] Though that store is nuts, everytime I go there, I want to go more stuff. I wanna get another necklace I saw there as well.
Ah vell...
Anyway.. I wanted to blog cause I wanted to say something.. but erm. I forgot. Haha. So I guess that's the end of this blog entry.. Hmm...
Does this bode well for my exams in July? The memory of a goldfish swimming in beer.
Haha. Great mood.
Only one thing though.... I kinda ripped it a tinee bit.. :S Gotta get my mom to sew it back for sure before i go out.
Planning to curl my hair and put it half up..
Kakaka.. I also got a lovely necklace from J. [Can I love him anymore?] Though that store is nuts, everytime I go there, I want to go more stuff. I wanna get another necklace I saw there as well.
Ah vell...
Anyway.. I wanted to blog cause I wanted to say something.. but erm. I forgot. Haha. So I guess that's the end of this blog entry.. Hmm...
Does this bode well for my exams in July? The memory of a goldfish swimming in beer.
Haha. Great mood.
Monday, 19 March 2007
Weight on my shoulder...
My shoulder is still not better. Still gotta take nerve medication and go to physiotherapist.
Jointitis.. Locked shoulder. Sigh... I miss the days when nothing was wrong with me.
I'd sue you if it wasn't for the fact that I know I would have evidential problems.
J's bloodcount is back up, but he's still sick. :(
Thinking of going for haircut tomorrow.. but wondering if I should or shouldn't.
Scared my hairdresser goes loco on my hair ala Supercuts.
Must not be too chatty with hairdressers anymore... cause when they ask me if its nice or crap... I wanna tell them the truth.
Just ate oats and marmite... *shivers* The diet points are great though. :)
Jointitis.. Locked shoulder. Sigh... I miss the days when nothing was wrong with me.
I'd sue you if it wasn't for the fact that I know I would have evidential problems.
J's bloodcount is back up, but he's still sick. :(
Thinking of going for haircut tomorrow.. but wondering if I should or shouldn't.
Scared my hairdresser goes loco on my hair ala Supercuts.
Must not be too chatty with hairdressers anymore... cause when they ask me if its nice or crap... I wanna tell them the truth.
Just ate oats and marmite... *shivers* The diet points are great though. :)
Saturday, 17 March 2007
Charge-d up!
Hahaha.. Lame title. Can't come up with anything else.
Met a new lecturer today B. He's really good, in a funny goofy way.
Did the whole topic on Charges for Criminal Procedure. Once a blur to me.. now really clear, thus the title.
Loved the lecture.
Shame J couldn't come though.
BUT I visited him and his rashes have come down loads and his appetite is back! YEAY!
Downside though, he's gone kinda yellow all over. I'm really upbeat bout it though.
I've been bingeing on keropok sotong and now ikan.
I'm supposed to be dieting but seriously.. I just can't resist the temptation.
Just like how I try to stop watching Grey's Anatomy, but I'm telling you I'm McFreaking in McLove with the McShow.
Hahaha.. a McFan McJoke.
Met a new lecturer today B. He's really good, in a funny goofy way.
Did the whole topic on Charges for Criminal Procedure. Once a blur to me.. now really clear, thus the title.
Loved the lecture.
Shame J couldn't come though.
BUT I visited him and his rashes have come down loads and his appetite is back! YEAY!
Downside though, he's gone kinda yellow all over. I'm really upbeat bout it though.
I've been bingeing on keropok sotong and now ikan.
I'm supposed to be dieting but seriously.. I just can't resist the temptation.
Just like how I try to stop watching Grey's Anatomy, but I'm telling you I'm McFreaking in McLove with the McShow.
Hahaha.. a McFan McJoke.
Couch Potato,
Friday, 16 March 2007
Damn you, all you damn mosquitoes!
J has dengue. Sigh.
He's got a fever, a rash and everything else that comes with it.
I went to his house to take care of him. He's one grouchy manja patient.
Chased away 4 birds who are plaguing him by 'gossiping' outside his window every evening. Haha. So there you go, I chased them away when they made noise.
There's not supposed to be any actual treatment except for water and paracetamol.
Chinese medicine says otherwise. Take your pick.
a. Ground porcupine spine powder.
b. Steamed frog and bittergourd juice.
Ah well... have to try it all. :)
I want him to be better like crazy. I'm dying to hug the hell out of him and be hugged too.
2006 was an amazing year. I really need 2007 to be great too.
I really need God to let J and I both pass the CLP.
Cause I want 2008 to be great too - I wanna be called to the Bar then.
He's got a fever, a rash and everything else that comes with it.
I went to his house to take care of him. He's one grouchy manja patient.
Chased away 4 birds who are plaguing him by 'gossiping' outside his window every evening. Haha. So there you go, I chased them away when they made noise.
There's not supposed to be any actual treatment except for water and paracetamol.
Chinese medicine says otherwise. Take your pick.
a. Ground porcupine spine powder.
b. Steamed frog and bittergourd juice.
Ah well... have to try it all. :)
I want him to be better like crazy. I'm dying to hug the hell out of him and be hugged too.
2006 was an amazing year. I really need 2007 to be great too.
I really need God to let J and I both pass the CLP.
Cause I want 2008 to be great too - I wanna be called to the Bar then.
Thursday, 15 March 2007
12 Feet Under
Feeling really down today. So down, I opened a blog to dump my feelings in.
I guess its cause J's sick and I'm pretty worried about him.
He had diarrhea 12 days ago.. for about 4 days. Then when he recovered from that, he got a fever. Every 6 hours since, he's been steadily sick. On Wednesday, we thought he had dengue and so we went to hospital. Had his blood test, but though it was low, it wasn't low enough to be dengue. Today I went to see him, he was yellowish, his limbs were numb. I hate seeing him sick. I feel really powerless. I try to help him get better but J Sick is not J T. J Sick is stubborn and moody. So, I visit him, and just watch him being sick. Then I go to class alone, and miss him. Sigh.
I guess its cause J's sick and I'm pretty worried about him.
He had diarrhea 12 days ago.. for about 4 days. Then when he recovered from that, he got a fever. Every 6 hours since, he's been steadily sick. On Wednesday, we thought he had dengue and so we went to hospital. Had his blood test, but though it was low, it wasn't low enough to be dengue. Today I went to see him, he was yellowish, his limbs were numb. I hate seeing him sick. I feel really powerless. I try to help him get better but J Sick is not J T. J Sick is stubborn and moody. So, I visit him, and just watch him being sick. Then I go to class alone, and miss him. Sigh.
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