I'm soooooooooooooooo unbelievably excited. We got the tickets last week. Don't know why the delayed reaction. Picking hotels/resorts etc probably spurred this on.
Just can't wait to gooooooooo... I'm even excited about the train ride there! So what if its 14 hours? I'll have Mr Teoh, and hopefully someone's IPOD. :)
Plus its a symbol of my yummy delicious 1 month break from work!!!
whose ipod you talking about?
Oh.. hahaha.. yours if you'll lend it to me. But I've got a backup plan :)
Hahahahahahaha. Kantoi already la you. Eh, I've heard good things about Krabi! It's supposed to be beautiful. Worth the 14 hr train ride then...
yes yes! i've been salivating over photos heehee.. can't wait la. 6 nights! i really want to sink my feet into lovely powdery white sand!
I hope you break your rule about no pictures! Take some of the area pls? Would love to see some beach shots, powdery white sand and all :)
haha... same rule as mine... i just realised that as well.. the no pic thingy...
4 more papers!!!! argh!!!! i need to start planning a holiday as well..:P
cheh! I made a perfectly good offer to you to come with us.. but noooooooooooooooooooo... someone doesn't like the beach.
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